App Sponsored by:
Are you constantly on your smartphone or tablet? Do you suffer from what some refer to as “appdiction?” If so, then you will be happy to know that IEC is feeding in to your love of your smartphone/tablet and has created a FREE official convention application!
Scan this code to download the app. |
To start, hold your phone up to the QR code on the screen and scan it. This will automatically upload the app to your phone. If you don’t have a QR scanner or camera on your device then you can either pull the app up on your app store/market, and search for “IEC Convention,” “2011 IEC,” “IEC Electric Expo,”54 IEC Convention,” etc. Or, plug this URL into your mobile browser: This will automatically detect your operating system and download the app for you. It’s that easy!
Once the app has successfully downloaded to your phone, go ahead and open it up. Your first step will be to create a login. Create a user name and password, and submit the information to be taken to the dashboard of the app. After that has been set-up, create your profile; this will help you connect with other app users.
Play Around!
There are many features on the app that will help guide you through your convention experience. The best way to learn about what they do is to poke around and play with them.
Alerts: Your app will send you alerts that notify you of important upcoming events, changes, or other important/urgent information.
There are many features on the app that will help guide you through your convention experience. The best way to learn about what they do is to poke around and play with them.
Alerts: Your app will send you alerts that notify you of important upcoming events, changes, or other important/urgent information.
My Schedule: This will give you a blank schedule of each day of the convention. This is where you enter in your own personal schedule. If you have an appointment to meet with a vendor at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, you would enter that into the timeslot for that day. This is a convenient way to keep track of meetings, classes, and events onsite.
Exhibitors: Once clicked, you will be presented with a current list, in alphabetical order, of IEC Electric Expo 2011 Exhibitors. Select a specific exhibitor to view their booth number and contact information. You can also easily schedule an appointment with an exhibitor, read any of their handouts, or write notes about a vendor…all using this function of the app.
Maps: Need help navigating the expo floor or the hotel ballrooms? Just use this function to look at various venue maps.
Events: We know it’s hard to keep track of everything that is going on during the convention. This function will act as your quick reference for all events, education sessions, and more. Click on the category you wish to look up (luncheons, education sessions, committee meetings, etc) to get event date/time, room number, and a description. This will be especially helpful for the education sessions, which will be segmented by topical track. This function even allows you to take notes and rate a session!
Speakers: You can also look up sessions by speaker name. Select a speaker to view their session, along with a brief bio. You can go one step further and click on their session, which will take you to that session’s page.
Photo Gallery: Document the great time you are having at the convention by taking and uploading pictures to our gallery. You will also see pictures other attendees have taken.
Twitter: If you tweet (and you should), then this will be your favorite function. Use this to send out tweets on the IEC National Convention, while also keeping up with the conversation on what’s being said about the convention. When you click to tweet, your type screen will automatically be populated with the official convention hash tag, #IECconv. Want to tweet about the expo? Use our expo hash tag, #IECexpo. Tweet about anything, whether it’s about how much fun you are having, or if a session room is too cold…tweet it!
Friends: Connect with other convention attendees. To do this, you must first create your profile. This function allows you to add other convention attendees who are also using this app. Connect with peers by entering their friend code (everybody has a code, which is listed in your profile). This will give you access to their profile information and will act as a digital rolodex.
Show Documents: Browse this function to see a list of official convention downloadable material. Education session hand outs, important flyers, and more will be available to view.
Downloads: View a short video by the official convention app sponsor, Graybar.
The best way to learn about the app is to simply poke around and explore each function; this may be the only convention where you are encouraged to play with your phone!